When primed with only a handful of training samples, very large, pretrained language models such as GPT-3 have shown competitive results when compared to fully-supervised, fine-tuned, large, pretrained language models.
Project: Open-Source Software and Research
Finding Case Law: Leveraging Machine Learning Research to Enhance Public Access to UK Judgments
Once ranked last in Europe for public access to judgment data, the United Kingdom has taken large strides in recent years to improve the accessibility of judgments.
Ergo – a programming language for Smart Legal Contracts Conference: ProLaLa 2022 – Programming Languages and the Law 2022
We present a smart legal contract platform to support a wide range of smart legal contract use cases.
Oraclised Data Schemas: Improving contractual certainty in uncertain times
The rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting government restrictions to individuals and selected business sectors has caused unprecedented interruptions and uncertainty.
Towards a distributed ledger of residential title deeds in the UK: An HMLR case study
On 6 March 2019, the sale of a recently refurbished, semidetached house in Gillingham had completed.